Consejos para mantenerte a salvo cuando tu embarcación está en peligro

Tips to stay safe when your boat is in danger

Albert Bargués, current captain of the Sterna Open 85 sailing boat, which sails to the polar regions, has 30 years of experience in ocean navigation. His priority is always the safety of his crew and his advice is as practical as it is simple:

1. “Keep your safety equipment in good condition, regardless of your navigation area. Before setting out to sea, you should check that you have all the essential equipment to keep you safe.”

2. “Stay calm in the face of adversity. Only then will you be able to think clearly and make the best decisions.”

3. “Wear a life jacket, which is essential to staying afloat if you end up in the middle of the sea.”

4. “Learn how to use the raft. Remove it from its stowage and tie it to a fixed point on the boat before firing. Throw it to leeward and pull the firing halyard to inflate it automatically. Once inflated, jump into the raft and cut the firing halyard to free yourself from the boat.”

5. “Send the alert signal using all the essential elements to be located (radio beacon, a transponder, etc.).”

6. “Wait to be rescued. Keep your nerves, open the life raft emergency kit and wait for the rescue teams to arrive.”

The Sterna is equipped with various safety elements: several Duarry life rafts, a vest for each crew member, survival suits, safety harnesses... All these elements, essential to keep the crew safe in the event of an emergency, have been supplied by Ausmar, a maritime security company.

Dahlberg is an official service station in Mallorca and Menorca. In addition, we are authorized by the Ministry of Public Works, with the exclusive M1 category which allows us to install any radio communication and radio navigation equipment.


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