Claves para no romperte la cabeza eligiendo el WC de tu barco – Parte II

Keys to avoid breaking your mind choosing the toilet on your boat – Part II

We recently discussed four things to consider when purchasing a macerator toilet to make your decision easier. This week, we offer more tips that focus on comfort and satisfaction to ensure your time on board goes smoothly:

1. SPACE VS COMFORT: For some manufacturers, a small boat means a small toilet. And there is nothing more uncomfortable than a child-sized marine toilet. Limited space on board does not have to compromise passenger comfort. That is why Dometic/Sealand and Sanimarin brands are committed to designing compact and comfortable toilets. Although we also find larger boats that have not considered this comfort.
2. SIMPLICITY: Flushing is second nature, right? We do it every day at home, but on board it doesn’t always work the same way. For the inexperienced passenger, it can be confusing to have four flushing options and not know which button to push. That’s why it’s important that the normal flush, low flush, dry flush and add water options have clear and simple instructions, and include a push button to “flush the toilet”. It’s also important for the person in charge of the boat to make sure the toilet is drained of water during a storm, to avoid splashing or worse. Dometic/Sealand and Sanimarin toilets have the option of connecting a tank level indicator to the toilet, so the toilet turns off, or stops, when the tank is full.

3. QUALITY AND CUSTOMER SERVICE : Sealand, Dometic and Sanimarin toilets are designed, engineered and tested to ensure they are reliable and able to withstand the marine environment. However, if a problem should arise, it is important that the customer can find help anywhere. Dometic/Sealand and Sanimarin products are backed by the world's largest service and distributor network, with distributors in over 50 countries on 6 continents.

Installing an electric toilet from our recommended brands would probably be a great option for homeowners who were planning to install an electric toilet. For four decades, our predecessor companies have specialized in sanitation systems that provide trouble-free use.

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