Margarita, Ceo de Dahlberg, galardonada en el Palma Boat Show.

Margarita, CEO of Dahlberg, awarded at the Palma Boat Show.

Margarita has not only been at the head of the company DAHLBERG SA for more than 30 years, together with her sister Rosa, founded by their father Mr. Kjell Dahlberg. She has also been president of the Association of Nautical Companies of the Balearic Islands since 1992. An Association that has done so much for Balearic nautical industry, for the companies in the sector and for the future of nautical industry. Always trying to improve and progress in all areas, such as in the Boat Show, actively participating in the Organizing Committee.

The award was presented by the “Conseller de Traball, Comerç i Indústria”, Mr. Iago Negueruela, who highlighted “It is an honour to present this award to someone who has done so much for nautical companies in our community, not only because she has been president of the Association of Nautical Companies of the Balearic Islands since 1992, an association that is also thirty years old, but also because her personal involvement plays a very important role in the Palma International Boat Show” and he also highlighted “the work of the award winner in training our young people in the nautical sector, so crucial for our economy”.

For her part, Marga has expressed her “great honour” to be the winner and has wished to point out that “Margarita Dahlberg, without her board of directors and without the association, is nobody. They have always put me in the front row but really the effort is everyone's” and she has dedicated a few words to “remember and recognise the effort and dedication of all the professionals in the sector” and has made it clear that the Boat Show project “is a success thanks to the public-private partnership and the effort of the sector”.

Finally, Marga wanted to remember the figure of “Don Marcial”, with whom she had “the honour of spending many hours of work. He taught me a lot and I think that having an award with his name at the Boat Show is an honour for all of us who received it”.

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