Dahlberg celebra el Día Internacional de la Mujer en el Sector Marítimo

Dahlberg celebrates International Women's Day in the Maritime Sector

Today, May 18 , International Women's Day in the Maritime Sector is celebrated around the world. This year, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has proposed “mobilizing networks for gender equality” as the theme for this day, has presented a video titled 'Women in the maritime sector can...' and has organized a global conference on the Women's Maritime Sector Associations (WIMA). In the Balearic Islands, Dahlberg joins the

celebration of this anniversary and the demand for gender equality in the nautical sector . The company's team is made up of 9 women and 4 men. Women occupy positions related to engineering, finance, logistics, quality, administration, marketing and management.

At the head of the company is Margarita Dahlberg, an example of a pioneering woman who has been working in the nautical industry for decades, in addition to having represented the sector for years as president of the Association of Nautical Companies of the Balearic Islands (AENIB). “When I started working in 1979, there were almost no women in the sector, especially in the technical area. They were only found in offices,” recalls Dahlberg, who highlights the role of her father, Kjell Dahlberg, founder of the company, in her career, at a time when it was not common to see women at the head of companies. “He was my great mentor and promoter for me to study technical training. He was very clear that the continuity of his company would be in my hands,” he says.

From the point of view of Margarita Dahlberg, “the fact of being a woman does not represent any handicap in terms of achieving a relevant position in the sector. If there is any, it is when it is assumed that only the woman is responsible for the family role. This role must be shared with your partner and with help

for conciliation,” he reflects. In his opinion, job promotion “is still not 100% equitable , but in positions in the sector in service and repair companies it is very advanced compared to other sectors,” he analyzes.

In any case, “a modern society must have equity between the positions held by men and women. From my point of view, the important thing is that the person is prepared for the position, not the gender ,” defends Margarita Dahlberg, who declares herself a “defender of equality between men and women.”

Finally, looking to the future, Margarita Dahlberg believes it is necessary to “show girls and young women role models working in professions that are still considered a male domain, and support them when they choose them. Years ago it was unimaginable for women to be police officers, firefighters or doctors. Today it is a reality , and there are not few of them,” he concludes.

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