Dahlberg SA celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Furuno Spain
Last Monday, June 5, 2017, the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Furuno Spain , one of the prestigious brands distributed by Dahlberg SA. The celebration took place in the idyllic Paseo del Arte in Madrid, at La Real Fábrica de Tapices. Dahlberg SA had the pleasure of attending the event and being part of such a special day for the naval industry sector, which we were able to celebrate together. We had the opportunity to attend the speech given by Yokio Furuno , president of Furuno along with José María Ollé Curiel , director of Furuno Spain SA

Dahlberg SA is one of the nautical companies that distributes products of the brand in Mallorca, we are backed by more than 25 years of distribution, it is a great satisfaction and a pride to have the support of the best technology on the market and constant innovation in an environment as changing as technology.
We have been working together with Furuno and distributing their Electronics products since the early 1985 , even before the process of changing the name of the company, under the old name “Morris e Curiel Ibérica” which, years later, merged with what we know today as Furuno España SA.

It brings together the most advanced navigation sensors and technology in Communication systems, radars, probes, plotters ... In our case, as specialists in yachts, our captains appreciate the good service offered by the equipment as well as its reliability and the confidence it conveys due to its performance.
Thanks to its vision of the future, its technology is permanent and helps society in many ways since it takes into account the corporate social responsibility and are responsible with the environment. It is a company that collaborates and helps through the exhaustive search for resources and new development paths. It creates and implements innovative technology to solve problems, and continues to create new values that help improve the daily life of companies and society.

Finally, we would like to appreciate the invitation to our 25th Anniversary and thank Furuno España SA for the great work they do within the nautical sector, with the aim of improving safety and optimising sea resources.
As Mr. Ollé said: “We still have a long journey ahead of us, but we will always be together.”