
How to control the filling of my black water tank?

desbordamiento If you checked the capacity of your tank, with the table in our previous post and you have discovered that its capacity is insufficient or is giving you problems, you will wonder how can I solve it?

To avoid overfilling and its annoying problems, at Dahlberg we thought it would be interesting to review the Spill Prevention Law (Order FOM/1144/1999) .

In chapter V article 23 it says:

"They will have means to indicate the content of dirty water stored exceeds 3/4 of the tank's capacity"

Empty the tank more often: but remember:

“All discharge of dirty water from recreational vessels is prohibited in the following waters in which Spain exercises sovereignty, sovereign rights or jurisdiction:”





Port waters. Protected areas. Rías, Bays, etc. No discharge is allowed, even with treatment.
Up to 4 miles. Allowed with treatment. No solids or discoloration.
From 4 miles to 12 miles. It is allowed to be shredded and disinfected. To unload the tank, the speed of the boat must be greater than 4 knots.
More than 12 miles. It is allowed in any condition.To unload the tank, the speed of the vessel must be greater than 4 knots.

Check if your tank has the level sensor installed, if it does not we can recommend the DTM04 . Not having a level sensor, apart from the fact that it is against the regulations, overfilling can cause a lot of headaches during your vacation.

3. If the capacity of your tank does not allow you much autonomy, so as not to be constantly aware of its level, we recommend that if your toilet is electric or vacuum, add a relay with closure and a small panel in the bathroom with a red light that says “Tank full” or “Do not use”, to prevent the toilets from continuing to send waste to the tank and reaching overfilling.

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